Sunday, March 29, 2015

The NCAA's "Elephant in the Room.

Bing Kudos to Bryant Gumbel and HBO's Inside Sports reporting on NCAA worker abuse. College athletes are being physically and mentally abused three times the norm by NCAA. The Tepper's Report statistically showed the alarming pattern documented.

College coaches are under so much pressure to win, and go over the line in their threats to athletes. Many know they have a family to support. When an athlete doesn't produce, he or she is faced with a loss of scholarship.

The "the elephant in the room" for NCAA is the worker abuse is just swept under the carpet by the NCAA Governing Body and the member institutions.

Society should see this level of abuse is treated and given the same scrutiny domestic violence is receiving.

Let's not stop worker abuse not only at the college level. Being an high school basketball referee, I heard coaches mentally abuse kids dropping too many f-bombs to keep up. "Coach, you can't talk to my kid that way".

Friday, January 2, 2015

Living Longer Due to Medical Technology

I'm fascinated with advances in medical technology which has added months, and even years to the life of  family members and friends. For me, I'm at the age where I procrastinate but ultimately confront the truth that I will die one day. If I become terminally ill, at what cost or extra burden do I want to my family. Do I want to "Die With Dignity" and be taken home for my final days rather than die in a hospital? Do I want to live my remaining days, months, or years miserable, burdensome, only because of medical technology?

I just finished a graduate course in "Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration. It's safe to say that there's considerable debate about ethical and moral changes in the psyche of policy makers, physicians and nurses, patients, and all Americans. We all will die some day. I have the fundamental right to accept or reject medical treatment. Do I want to live for a few more years, and at what cost to my family and friends. As more "Baby Boomers" like me, look for Right to Die dilemmas become a part of the social conscious of America.